2015 FayWest Honors Band
We're so excited to be hosting the festival at Southmoreland High School this year!
Congratulations on your acceptance. Please contact Mrs. Gore, festival host and SHS Band Director, with any questions.
Congratulations on your acceptance. Please contact Mrs. Gore, festival host and SHS Band Director, with any questions.
Informational Letter
Folders and Program selected from:
Star Spangled Banner, arr. Dr. Jack Stamp
With Quiet Courage, Larry Daehn
Hunger Games, Jay Bocook
Ascend, Sam Hazo
Danserye mvt I and II, TIelman Susato
*In the YouTube video mvt 1 last until 2:01, mvII lasts until 4:30.
Into the Clouds, Richard Saucedo
Everest: the Forbidden Journey, Rob Romeyn
Urban Dances, Eric Morales
Winds should also have a warm-up Chorale in the folder.